Morningtown Pizza

Serial no.: 02-2024-
  • Style: Figurative
  • Color: Other
  • Material: Paper
  • Thickness: Below 2 mm

In the 1980s, I spent much time at the U District in Seattle, rubbing elbows with cartoonists, authors, filmmakers, and other colorful characters. Morning Town Pizza was a famous Bohemian hang-out where anarchists worked to pay their way through college. The food was all right, and the lobby was filled with anarchist books and posters, including one from a newspaper claiming that the Vatican sold the feet of Jesus. But the most important thing I remember about Morning Town Pizza was the colorful characters and the free thought and conversation we had. I’m sad that is not possible today in this country. Acrylic and under 140-pound arches watercolor paper

Price: USD 50.00
Shipping fee: USD 10.00