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Ore.e Ref.
Ore.e Ref. accepts up to 20% payment in artmoney.
Ore.e - Refineries (the robust new media company of the post-industrial era) provides its customers with custom solutions when they are in need of metal related products / raw materials and assistance in the production of unique handicraft objects.
We can provide you with both unique raw goods and technical assistance in your handicraft related works. This work can be simple like exhibition building or complicated like installation building.
The type of services we offer depends on your demand. We are at our best when adapting to the need of demanding professionals with specific metal and craft requirements. What we can do is up to your imagination. We are currently working mostly with metals: More specifically copper products but are interested to expand our territory to new fields.
Current projects include, plates suitable for fine art printmaking and a set of miniature sculptures of made of Zambian copper! In both projects we work in close collaboration with top of the line contemporary artists. (See full list of projects on the way here:
Ore.e Ref. is also glad to announce D2T - Digital-To-Tangible services.
The artist run company is working to solve sustainability issues in the field of new media arts. DT2 is a project during we "undigitize" selected online documents. The "undigitization" is done by hand like manuscripts of the past and the selected materials have a life expediency of 500 to 1000 years. You may suggest a project for us!