
Serial no.: Suzana Profeta-2023-074
  • Style: Abstract
  • Color: Brown
  • Material: Paper
  • Thickness: Below 2 mm

Dette ArtMoney-værk er en mixmedia-kreation på papir, der forener forskellige kunstneriske elementer. Akrylmaling, alkoholink, Ecoline og guldfolie bliver harmonisk kombineret i en spændende og dynamisk komposition.

I skabelsesprocessen lod jeg kreativiteten strømme frit uden en fastlagt plan. Jeg udforskede og blandede flere materialer og teknikker for at skabe en unik og engagerende oplevelse for betragteren.

Værket er omhyggeligt beskyttet med et UV-filter, der hjælper med at bevare farver og kvalitet. For at bevare dets skønhed over tid anbefales det at undgå direkte sollys og indramme det med UV-glas.


This ArtMoney artwork is a mixed media creation on paper, combining various artistic elements. Acrylic paint, alcohol ink, Ecoline, and gold foil are harmoniously blended in an exciting and dynamic composition.

During the creative process, I let creativity flow freely without a predefined plan. I explored and mixed multiple materials and techniques to craft a unique and engaging experience for the viewer.

The artwork is carefully protected with a UV filter to preserve its colors and quality. To maintain its beauty over time, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight and frame it with UV glass.


*** If you want the artmoney sent to countries other than Denmark, please contact me for shipping costs.***

Price: USD 50.00
Shipping fee: USD 10.00